Wednesday, March 31, 2010

PureX Water Purifier 奈米能量活水機

PureX 奈米能量活水機採用了能量轉化、奈米銀膜及離子濺射鍍膜等先進的科技。具有6道過濾效果的PureX 奈米能量活水機,除了能提供最乾淨、最純淨的水外,同時也使水分子細微化使人體的細胞更容易吸收,並進一步提高新陳代謝。

PureX Water Purifier is based on advanced Energy Converter, Silver Film & Sputtering technology. Its revolutionary 6-filter design not only provides the cleanest, purest water around, but also helps break down water molecule clusters into smaller clusters for easier absorption by the body's cells, thus improving the transfer of nutrients and enhancing metabolism.

6 Stage Water Purify System 6道過濾效果 + 奈米銀膜殺菌

第1道 PP纖維濾心(5µ):能濾除水中之固體懸浮物質、泥沙、管路鐵鏽等有害人體之物質。

第2道 無鈉樹脂濾心:能濾除水中之重金屬、石灰質等有害物質。

第3道 椰殼活性碳濾心:能除臭、除色、除味、除毒、除氯(CL2)及三鹵甲烷(CHCL3) 等化學物質。

第4道 顆粒活性碳濾心:能濾除水中之農藥、抗生素等物質。同時再次除臭、除色、除味、除毒、除氯(CL2)及三鹵甲烷(CHCL3) 等化學物質。

第5道 奈米活水能量濾心:水經奈米能量化 (π水) 後水分子集團變小、活性變大、溶氧量增加,使人體代謝作用順暢,有益健康。

第6道 奈米銀膜抗菌濾心:奈米銀抗菌系統,能殺死水中之一般細菌、大腸桿菌、病毒等。奈米銀膜將水質嚴格控制在符合WHO世界衛生組織飲用水指引與EPA美國環保局標準,對健康絕對無害。

Stage 1, Micron level filter pads (1 micron equals 1/25,000th of an inch), which removes suspended particles such as silt, sediment, sand, rust, dirt, and other un-dissolved matter.

Stage 2, Ion exchange resins, reducing heavy metals such as lead, copper, aluminum, calcareous and water hardness.

Stage 3, Granulated activated carbon (GAC). GAC is universally recognized and widely used as an effective adsorbent for a wide variety of organic contaminants, such as chlorine (99.9%), chloroform, chemicals linked to cancer, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, volatile organic compounds and hundreds of other chemical contaminants that may be present in water causing bad taste and odors in your drinking water.

Stage 4, High-grade coconut shell carbon that is most effective at removing chemicals. Coconut shell carbon provides a significantly higher volume of micro-pores than either coal, wood or lignite based carbon. As a result, it enhances the function of the stage 3 --- GAC. Removing antibiotics, agricultural chemical and other chemicals from water.

Stage 5, Nanometer energy biochemistry filter combine more than ten kinds of rare natural mineral stone and mineral elements apply nanometer, photocatalyst & FIR technology. This product meets safety regulation, has stable quality and is radiated with very high energy. To make water become Energy Water --- molecules finer, strengthen water molecules activity and increase dissolved oxygen. It achieves body’s smooth metabolism & good for health.

Stage 6, Silver film anti-bacteria system, Nano Silver has been tested effective against over more than 650 kinds of harmful bacteria like the BIRD FLU, Tuberculosis, AIDS, Hepatitis. And tests have proved that Nano. Product follow guideline of drinking water (WHO) & EPA standard.


Internal Structure

Advantage 特點

1. 6道過濾效果。.
2. 保留原有水中之有益人體的礦物質。請注意:水經煮沸後,若發現白色結晶狀,就表示水中含有鈣、鎂等有益人體的礦物質,純屬正常現象,絕無副作用。
3. 應用奈米 + 離子濺射鍍膜技術所製造的奈米銀膜,能殺死微生物,細菌和病毒。
4. 所有的材料均合乎食品級標準。
5. 低維護成本,不會浪費水資源。
6. 有減壓設計,防止漏水。
7. DIY設計,可自行更換,非常方便。
8. 能量水加熱至100oC時,能量依然會存在。

1. 6 stage water purified system.
2. Keep all of the good minerals which necessary to human body.
3. All of the materials meet food grade standard.
4. Low maintenance cost, no waste water generate.
5. Product come with a pressure reducer to keep the water pressure less than 200lbs prevent leakage.
6. Easy DIY
7. The energy inside the actively water will existing after heating to 100oC.

1. Award Winning Design: The Purex Water Purifier's award winning design makes it the perfect solution to provide safe, pure water whenever and wherever needed, from the dinner table to your next camping adventure, you can be sure that your family’s health is our first priority.
2. Bacteria and Virus Free: PureX Water Purifier apply the Nano Meter + Sputtering Technology to develop Silver Film destroys microbes, bacteria, and viruses. The water quality is automatically monitored without any user interaction.
3. Chemical Free: The system is designed to remove unwanted chemicals and purify the water without addition of chemicals such as Chlorine, Ozone, Iodine etc.
4. User Friendly:
5. Eco-friendly System: The Purex Water Purifier eliminates the dependency on bottled water and operated without electricity.

Energy Water 能量水

BioSum 的PureX 奈米能量活水機採用了先進的生化陶瓷及能量科技,能量生化陶瓷能吸收週遭環境中的各種能量,並以特定波長將能量釋放出去。特定波長的能量可將水分子團中連結水分子之凡得瓦力 (Van der Waals force)予以打斷,這導致了水分子從聚集在一起的“水分子團”變成單一的“水分子”。這種變化會使水的幾個特性有所改變,如:降低表面張力,減少粘性和更高的穿透力。重組後的水分子---能量水,更容易為人體所吸收。

The PureX Water Purifier apply the leading edge Bio-Ceramics & Energy technology. The bio-ceramics absorb the thermal energy from their surrounding environment then release it in a specific wavelength, breaking the intermolecular Van der Waals force (the force that binds molecules) between the water molecules. This results in the change of aggregation of water molecules from 'cluster' to 'single molecule'. This changes several properties of the water, such as decrease surface tension, reduce adhesion and higher penetration capacity. With the restructure of the water molecule --- Energy Water, bring the result of better human body absorbing.

What is Silver Film ? 什麼是奈米銀 ?





據美國FDA研究文獻證實:銀具有公認的抗菌效果,一般而言,一種抗生素大致可殺死6種不同的抗生體,但是銀卻可殺死 650多種細菌,再加上銀是不具毒性的物質,所以銀的使用範圍相當廣且歷史悠久。透過高科技奈米技術的方式,使銀粒子活性變大,抗菌功能增強,因此奈米銀的殺菌功效最為有效。在無光源的夜間或稀暗處,奈米銀可獨自發揮自我還原能力,並在銀粒子靠近病毒、真菌類、細菌或嗜菌體時,將直接進入菌體,迅速與氧代謝的硫醇(-sh)結合,阻斷代謝,使其喪失活性,進而自然死亡;所以奈米銀的功效是屬於長效型抗菌劑。

Nano Silver has been tested effective against H5N1 and over more than 650 kinds of harmful bacteria like the BIRD FLU, Tuberculosis, AIDS, and Hepatitis. And tests have proved that Nano Silver will not stimulate the skin, is not harmful to humans, which are the actual non-toxic-class products.

The Nano Silver when in contact with bacteria and fungus will adversely affect cellular metabolism and inhibit cell growth. The Nano Silver suppresses respiration, basal metabolism of electron transfer system, and transport of substrate in the microbial cell membrane. The Nano Silver inhibits multiplication and growth of those bacteria and fungi which cause infection, odor, itchiness and sores.

Silver Film was developed by Sputtering Technology to form a continuous bond at molecular silver (Nano Silver) level.

The Silver Film nonwoven fabric, certified by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China and tested by the BSL-3 State Key Laboratory, will effectively reduce the vital activity of the H5N1 avian influenza (bird flu) virus to a log value of 2.75, which is equivalent in reduction to 1/500.

Testing results by SGS showed that the bacteriostatic effect of the nonwoven fabric with Silver film for Peumococcus, Staphylococcus, Aurcus, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, reached 99.9%. The fabric when used for ordinary flu victims can reduce the chance of pneumonia complication.