1. 6道過濾效果。.
2. 保留原有水中之有益人體的礦物質。請注意:水經煮沸後,若發現白色結晶狀,就表示水中含有鈣、鎂等有益人體的礦物質,純屬正常現象,絕無副作用。
3. 應用奈米 + 離子濺射鍍膜技術所製造的奈米銀膜,能殺死微生物,細菌和病毒。
4. 所有的材料均合乎食品級標準。
5. 低維護成本,不會浪費水資源。
6. 有減壓設計,防止漏水。
7. DIY設計,可自行更換,非常方便。
8. 能量水加熱至100oC時,能量依然會存在。
1. 6 stage water purified system.
2. Keep all of the good minerals which necessary to human body.
3. All of the materials meet food grade standard.
4. Low maintenance cost, no waste water generate.
5. Product come with a pressure reducer to keep the water pressure less than 200lbs prevent leakage.
6. Easy DIY
7. The energy inside the actively water will existing after heating to 100oC.
1. Award Winning Design: The Purex Water Purifier's award winning design makes it the perfect solution to provide safe, pure water whenever and wherever needed, from the dinner table to your next camping adventure, you can be sure that your family’s health is our first priority.
2. Bacteria and Virus Free: PureX Water Purifier apply the Nano Meter + Sputtering Technology to develop Silver Film destroys microbes, bacteria, and viruses. The water quality is automatically monitored without any user interaction.
3. Chemical Free: The system is designed to remove unwanted chemicals and purify the water without addition of chemicals such as Chlorine, Ozone, Iodine etc.
4. User Friendly:
5. Eco-friendly System: The Purex Water Purifier eliminates the dependency on bottled water and operated without electricity.