據美國FDA研究文獻證實:銀具有公認的抗菌效果,一般而言,一種抗生素大致可殺死6種不同的抗生體,但是銀卻可殺死 650多種細菌,再加上銀是不具毒性的物質,所以銀的使用範圍相當廣且歷史悠久。透過高科技奈米技術的方式,使銀粒子活性變大,抗菌功能增強,因此奈米銀的殺菌功效最為有效。在無光源的夜間或稀暗處,奈米銀可獨自發揮自我還原能力,並在銀粒子靠近病毒、真菌類、細菌或嗜菌體時,將直接進入菌體,迅速與氧代謝的硫醇(-sh)結合,阻斷代謝,使其喪失活性,進而自然死亡;所以奈米銀的功效是屬於長效型抗菌劑。
Nano Silver has been tested effective against H5N1 and over more than 650 kinds of harmful bacteria like the BIRD FLU, Tuberculosis, AIDS, and Hepatitis. And tests have proved that Nano Silver will not stimulate the skin, is not harmful to humans, which are the actual non-toxic-class products.
The Nano Silver when in contact with bacteria and fungus will adversely affect cellular metabolism and inhibit cell growth. The Nano Silver suppresses respiration, basal metabolism of electron transfer system, and transport of substrate in the microbial cell membrane. The Nano Silver inhibits multiplication and growth of those bacteria and fungi which cause infection, odor, itchiness and sores.
Silver Film was developed by Sputtering Technology to form a continuous bond at molecular silver (Nano Silver) level.
The Silver Film nonwoven fabric, certified by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China and tested by the BSL-3 State Key Laboratory, will effectively reduce the vital activity of the H5N1 avian influenza (bird flu) virus to a log value of 2.75, which is equivalent in reduction to 1/500.
Testing results by SGS showed that the bacteriostatic effect of the nonwoven fabric with Silver film for Peumococcus, Staphylococcus, Aurcus, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, reached 99.9%. The fabric when used for ordinary flu victims can reduce the chance of pneumonia complication.