第1道 PP纖維濾心(5µ):能濾除水中之固體懸浮物質、泥沙、管路鐵鏽等有害人體之物質。
第2道 無鈉樹脂濾心:能濾除水中之重金屬、石灰質等有害物質。
第3道 椰殼活性碳濾心:能除臭、除色、除味、除毒、除氯(CL2)及三鹵甲烷(CHCL3) 等化學物質。
第4道 顆粒活性碳濾心:能濾除水中之農藥、抗生素等物質。同時再次除臭、除色、除味、除毒、除氯(CL2)及三鹵甲烷(CHCL3) 等化學物質。
第5道 奈米活水能量濾心:水經奈米能量化 (π水) 後水分子集團變小、活性變大、溶氧量增加,使人體代謝作用順暢,有益健康。
第6道 奈米銀膜抗菌濾心:奈米銀抗菌系統,能殺死水中之一般細菌、大腸桿菌、病毒等。奈米銀膜將水質嚴格控制在符合WHO世界衛生組織飲用水指引與EPA美國環保局標準,對健康絕對無害。
Stage 1, Micron level filter pads (1 micron equals 1/25,000th of an inch), which removes suspended particles such as silt, sediment, sand, rust, dirt, and other un-dissolved matter.
Stage 2, Ion exchange resins, reducing heavy metals such as lead, copper, aluminum, calcareous and water hardness.
Stage 3, Granulated activated carbon (GAC). GAC is universally recognized and widely used as an effective adsorbent for a wide variety of organic contaminants, such as chlorine (99.9%), chloroform, chemicals linked to cancer, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, volatile organic compounds and hundreds of other chemical contaminants that may be present in water causing bad taste and odors in your drinking water.
Stage 4, High-grade coconut shell carbon that is most effective at removing chemicals. Coconut shell carbon provides a significantly higher volume of micro-pores than either coal, wood or lignite based carbon. As a result, it enhances the function of the stage 3 --- GAC. Removing antibiotics, agricultural chemical and other chemicals from water.
Stage 5, Nanometer energy biochemistry filter combine more than ten kinds of rare natural mineral stone and mineral elements apply nanometer, photocatalyst & FIR technology. This product meets safety regulation, has stable quality and is radiated with very high energy. To make water become Energy Water --- molecules finer, strengthen water molecules activity and increase dissolved oxygen. It achieves body’s smooth metabolism & good for health.
Stage 6, Silver film anti-bacteria system, Nano Silver has been tested effective against over more than 650 kinds of harmful bacteria like the BIRD FLU, Tuberculosis, AIDS, Hepatitis. And tests have proved that Nano. Product follow guideline of drinking water (WHO) & EPA standard.