BioSum 的PureX 奈米能量活水機採用了先進的生化陶瓷及能量科技,能量生化陶瓷能吸收週遭環境中的各種能量,並以特定波長將能量釋放出去。特定波長的能量可將水分子團中連結水分子之凡得瓦力 (Van der Waals force)予以打斷,這導致了水分子從聚集在一起的“水分子團”變成單一的“水分子”。這種變化會使水的幾個特性有所改變,如:降低表面張力,減少粘性和更高的穿透力。重組後的水分子---能量水,更容易為人體所吸收。
The PureX Water Purifier apply the leading edge Bio-Ceramics & Energy technology. The bio-ceramics absorb the thermal energy from their surrounding environment then release it in a specific wavelength, breaking the intermolecular Van der Waals force (the force that binds molecules) between the water molecules. This results in the change of aggregation of water molecules from 'cluster' to 'single molecule'. This changes several properties of the water, such as decrease surface tension, reduce adhesion and higher penetration capacity. With the restructure of the water molecule --- Energy Water, bring the result of better human body absorbing.